World of Lawl RPG Wiki
Type Villains
Appearance Enemies
First Saga Appeared What-If: Teen Titans Saga
Species Gordanians
Fighting Skills Gun Shooters
Original Theme Song: ???
WoL Theme Song:

Gordanians are the species of aliens that attacked Tamaran, the planet where Starfire and her whole family lived.

They were first seen in the episode Go! When Starfire escaped from their ship, their leader Trogaar sent them down to look for her. However, Robin, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven had befriended her earlier and defended her, fighting off the Gordanians together. Trogaar was enraged at the interference and started to charge his particle weapon strong enough to demolish Jump City. The five heroes got on board and defeated all the Gordanians and Trogaar, and thus formed the Teen Titans and built Titans Tower out of the Gordanian ship. They have not been seen since in the cartoon.


  • ??? - ??? Damage

Super Attacks[]

  • ??? - ??? Damage

About Them in World of Lawl[]

They try to keep Patricia(as Starfire) Family as Hostage but was stopped by her and Jack the Hedgehog(as Beast Boy). They try to fight back along with their leader: Trogaar, but was Sadaly Defeated by not only them, but with Brute Patricia the Skunk as well.

Outside the What-If World, They work for Princess Blackfire and Now Prince Bruce BlazeStar II. Their Job is to help them kill off Every Last Member of the Out of the World Team(Except Jiggly and Uni-Kitty who are better off Pets of the 2). There only problem was Jimmy Jr was impossible to catch and Oleg was impossible to be found since He now in a Hard to Find Location with Pyrrha.

Story Appear in[]

Main Story[]

  • ???

Side Story[]

  • ???

What If Story[]

  • ??? (Role Here)

Friends and Enemies[]

Family Member[]

  • ???


  • ???


  • ??? (Saga Here)